Saturday, Jul 27, 2024

Carla Fracci dies in Milan. Her name in the world of dance is synonymous with lightness and elegance. The New York Times in 1981 called her “Absolute Prima Ballerina”. “Carla Fracci is lighter than air, lighter than a sigh” as one of the many reviews reports. In her

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Grande attesa per la performance di Necropolis del coreografo bielorusso Arkadi Zaides, che presenteremo online martedì 25 maggio alle ore 21. Necropolis è una risposta alla mancata identificazione della maggior parte delle vittime dell’attuale crisi migratoria. Il punto di partenza è una lista compilata a partire dal 1993 da UNITED for Intercultural

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On May 6 Alessandra Corona Performing Works came back on stage at the  theater at St. Jeans (150 east 76th street) with two world premieres! What a great joy to see dancers performing live.The show was graciously introduced by Jody Kaplan, booking agent for the company, who spoke of the company’s success with a

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